Master Thesis:
»Auschwitzløgnen« - i relation til tysk og dansk ret (The »Auschwitz lie« in relation to German and Danish law), published in Justitia 5, October 1996, Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag, Copenhagen
Ph.D. Thesis:
Nationale mindretal i europæisk perspektiv - En analyse af Europarådets Rammekonvention om beskyttelse af nationale mindretal (National minorities in an European Perspective - An analysis of the Council of Europe’s Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities), Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag, Copenhagen 2000
LL.M. Thesis:
Menschliche Gene - im Spannungsfeld zwischen dem Patentrecht und den Menschenrechten (Human Genes at the Interface between Patent Law and Human Rights), March 2003
Articles and Reviews:
Åland Islands, in: Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (MPEPIL), Oxford University Press, 2009
Autonomy: The Danish-German Border Region, in: Beyond a One-Dimensional State: An Emerging Right to Autonomy, Z. Skurbaty (ed.), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden/Boston 2005, p. 457-471
Review of Arie Bloed and Pieter van Dijk (ed.), Protection of Minority Rights Through Bilateral Treaties. The Case of Central and Eastern Europe. Kluwer Law International. The Hague 1999, xvi+451 pages, in: Nordic Journal of International Law, Vol. 71 (3), 449-450, 2002
Fra Bonn til Strasbourg: Danskernes, tyskernes og frisernes mindretalsrettigheder 1945-2000 (From Bonn to Strasbourg: The minority rights of the Danes, Germans and Frisians 1945-2000), published in: En europæisk model? Nationale mindretal i det dansk-tyske grænseland 1945-2000 (Jørgen Kühl, red.), Institut for Grænseregionsforskning, Aabenraa 2002, s. 331-349; also published in German (updated version): Von Bonn nach Straßburg Die Minderheitenrechte der Dänen, Deutschen und Friesen, in: Ein europäisches Modell? Nationale Minderheiten im deutsch-dänischen Grenzland 1945-2005, J. Kühl und R Bohn (Hrsg.), Verlag für Regionalgeschichte, Bielefeld 2005, p 324-340
Landesbericht Dänemark in “Justitielle Einbindung und Kontrolle von Europol” (State report Denmark in “Legal incorporation and control with Europol”), 2 Polizeiliche Ermittlungstätigkeit und Grundrechtsschutz (Sabine Gleß, Rainer Grote, Günter Heine, Hrsg.), edition iuscrim, Freiburg im Breisgau 2001, p. 165-212
Retten til værdighed og egen identitet (The Right to Dignity and the Own Identity) with Mette Hartlev, published in: Grundrettigheder - Årsskrift, Retsvidenskabeligt Institut B, Københavns Universitet, Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag, Copenhagen 2000, p. 93-117
Fra model til virkelighed - Danmarks første rapport om mindretallenes rettigheder (From model to reality – Denmark’s first report on the rights of minorities), published in Pluk no. 1, 2000, Institut for Grænseregionsforskning, Aabenraa, p. 11-18
Decision concerning the Maastricht Treaty with Henrik Palmer Olsen, published in The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 93, 1999, No. 1, p. 209-214
Nationale mindretal i europæisk kontekst (National minorities in an European context), published in Retfærd No. 83, 1998, University Press, Oslo, p. 54-66
Fra politiske erklæringer til forpligtende rettigheder (From political statements to binding rights), published in Sønderjysk Månedsskrift, No. 5, 1998, Aabenraa, p. 127-132
Den internationale beskyttelse af nationale mindretal (The international protection of national minorities), published in Årsberetning 1997, 1998, Retsvidenskabeligt Institut B, Studier Nr 66, Copenhagen, p. 49-71
Individets (frie) valg af nationalitet (The individuals (free) choice of nationality), published in Retfærd, No. 77, 1997, University Press, Oslo, p. 40-50
Legal opinions and papers:
Baggrundspapir vedr. det danske mindretals rettigheder i medfør af Europarådets Rammekonvention om beskyttelsen af nationale mindretal og den Europæiske Pagt om Regionale Sprog eller Mindretalssprog (Background paper on the Danish Minority’s Rights according to the European Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities and the Charter on Regional Languages and Minority Languages), for the central organisation of the Danish Minority in Germany, Det Sydslesvigske Samråd, August 2003
Responsum om det tyske mindretals rettigheder i medfør af den Europæiske Pagt om Regionale Sprog eller Mindretalssprog af 5. november 1992 (Legal opinion concerning the rights of the German minority according to the European Charter on Regional Languages and Minority Languages from 5 November 1992), for the main organisation of the German minority in Denmark, Bund deutscher Nordschleswiger, October 2002
Allgemeine Grundlagen des Prioritätrechts (Basic Principles of Priority in Patent Law), Paper for a Seminar in Patent law, University of Munich, July 2002
The Prohibition of Advocacy of National, Racial and Religious Hatred in Denmark, Paper submitted to the Advanced Course on the International Protection of Human Rights, Åbo Akademi University, Institute for Human Rights, Turku/Finland, August/September 1999